Decorating Early: A Debate or an Opportunity?
For some reason I feel like the debate on when to decorate for Christmas has been bigger and louder this year than ever before. It has been all over Facebook, I heard a debate about it on the radio, and it was even talked about on the news! People seem very opinionated about whether or not you decorate for Christmas on November 1 or after Thanksgiving. The fear of decorating too early is that either Thanksgiving will get forgotten or that people will get tired of Christmas before December even starts. Those that want to decorate early say they have waited as long as they can and they love Christmas so much that they want a little more of it. My thought is: Why not start early? And here is why: Christmas is the one time of the year where I feel like Christians get a free pass to be a little extra outspoken about being a Christian. Everywhere you look, Christ is being celebrated even if it is unintentional. You can say Christmas has become too commercialize and Christ ...