"Oh, Tidings of Comfort and Joy"

On Sunday we lit the third candle of Advent - also known as the joy candle. If you aren’t familiar with the Advent candles, there are five candles, four in a circle with one in the middle. Each Sunday leading up to Christmas and on Christmas Eve one is lit, a Scripture is read, and a prayer is offered. Some churches ask different people to read and light the candles each week. As you get closer to Christmas Eve, more candles are lit until there is one left in the very middle, which represents Jesus. There are three purple candles, one pink candle, and one white candle. The pink candle is the joy candle, and I always get a little extra excited when we light that candle. For one, it is pink and different from all the others so it stands out a little more. But mainly it is because of what it represents and the Scripture that goes along with it. As the joy candle is lit, usually Luke 1:46-55 is read. This section of Scripture is often called “The Magnificat,” and i...