I Don't Know Why?

Why? Such a simple question. At times, it is the only one that occupies our minds, especially when we are going through hard times. When tragedy and hard times befall us, we so often look for the meaning in the madness. However, the truth is that rarely, if ever, do we learn the reasons why things happen. The book of Job is, perhaps, one of the more well-known narratives from the Old Testament. It is about the righteous man, Job. The devil maintains that Job is only righteous and God-fearing because he has a good life, a large family, and great wealth. God maintains that Job would remain righteous and God-fearing even if all these things were taken away. Job then has everything taken away from him. His family, his wealth, and his health are all ripped away as he is left to suffer. He rues the day that he was born, but Job does not curse God. As the book goes on, the reason for his suffering becomes the focus of conversation between him and his friends. ...