Fast Food Theology

There is a perspective on God that is often preached as if He were a Burger King God. You can have it your way. Pray, ask for what you want, and if you do what you’re supposed to, you’ll get it. Have problems with what the Bible says you shouldn’t be doing? Just ignore those parts. Think the Bible tells you to do things that are too hard? You can just ignore those parts too. It’s fine. So long as you’re happy, everything else is debatable. If Job taught us anything, its that our happiness is always God’s top priority after all. Other times, God is pitched like Wendy’s. Pay a little money and you can get a lot for it. The four for four for faith, if you will. Faith is all too often sold and marketed as a generic cure-all. Buy in a little, be a good person, and it’s an easy street to heaven from there. It’s pitched that bad things don’t happen to those who have faith. Since those who have faith are good people, and bad things aren’t allowed to happen to good pe...