Lessons on Change From a Basic Girl that Loves Fall

With only a few days into October I’m sure you’ve seen some quote like this shared by a friend or follower on social media. You know, one of those basic girls that shares this quote while she drinks her pumpkin spice latté, wearing furry boots and flannel. While I may only be doing one of those things now, and will most likely use this quote as an Instagram caption in the days to come, I think the quote above reminds us about something important as Christians. 

At Generations of Grace on Wednesday nights our different small groups have been studying the Overcomer Bible study that goes along with the Overcomer movie. One Wednesday night a few weeks ago, in the women’s class we began discussing what our lives were like before and after encountering Christ. And everyone’s “after story” included some kind of change. 

That’s what happens when Christ becomes a part of your life. You change how you see the world, how you think, how you act, and what you say because you are no longer living a life for yourself, but a life for Christ. That sort of change is a good thing! It is often a needed thing and is what starts each of us on our journeys as Christians. 

But here is the thing about me…. I never liked change. I was that kid that never wanted to start school because I wasn’t prepared for all the changes. It felt like just as I was getting
used to the second grade, it was over and I had to spend three agonizing months of summer break wondering what changes the third grade would bring. In college I had to move dorms at the end of every year and I still have nightmares about that process. Right after I figure out how to navigate the newest version of Facebook, they change it on me! 

What makes my struggle with change more difficult is that I became a Christian when I was around nine-years-old. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for that moment and for the testimony I have because of it. But when you become a Christian at such a young age, there isn’t that much to change. Maybe you stop lying more or listen to your parents more, but there is not much of my life I remember before Christ. 

Instead, what I have is a life of continuing to learn what it means to be a Christian and continuing to make changes along the way. And just like my basic fall quote says, that change can be beautiful. Somewhere along the way I had to let go of my fear of change and see it for the beauty that it is. 

There have been times in my life where I have felt dried up or where I have fallen, just like the autumn leaves are about to. There have been long and harsh and cold winters in my life where I felt lost, alone, or afraid of what might happen. But we all know, that with those changes come the glory of spring, of life, of renewal. 

When changes have happened in my life, when I have changed, or those around me have changed I am grateful to have always had God by my side. And as we anxiously await the changing of the leaves and the crisp air that will roll through, I look forward to the changes that will continue to happen in my life. Because I know they allow for growth, and if I am nervous about changes I have a never changing God to lean on. 

“The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands firm.” Isaiah 40:8 (NLT)

Elizabeth Anne-Lovell is
an Associate Pastor at
Generations of Grace in
Lebanon, TN


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